Lodge Murdostoun Castle No.1096

Charter granted 2nd November 1911

REGULAR MEETINGS - 2nd & 4th Tuesday from September to April, Except December 2nd Tues only

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Right Worshipful Master Bro William C Francis
Immediate Past Master Bro George McAra
Installing Master Bro Thomas Houston PM
Installing Master Bro James O Prentice PM 31
Depute Master Bro Thomas Houston PM
Substitute Master Bro John Jenkins
Senior Warden Bro John McAra
Junior Warden Bro Alexander L Reid
Secretary Bro Thomas Reid
Treasurer Bro Peter Reid
Almoner Bro 
Senior Deacon Bro Robert A Auld
Junior Deacon Bro William McCrum
Inner Guard Bro Alexander W Kerr
Chaplain Bro John S Craig
Director of Ceremonies Bro Archibald Bryce
President of Stewards Bro Forgie Strachan
Junior Steward Bro Alexander Robertson
Bible Bearer Bro James Bryce
Organist Bro William Barclay
Tyler Bro George Hotchkiss