Lodge Murdostoun Castle No.1096

Charter granted 2nd November 1911

REGULAR MEETINGS - 2nd & 4th Tuesday from September to April, Except December 2nd Tues only

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Welcome Ceud Mille Failte . . . Welcome . . . Bienvenue . . . Willkommen . . . Bienvenido . . . Witamy . . . Welkom . . . Velkommen . . . Benvenuto . . .


RWM Mark Logan


On behalf of every Brother of Lodge Murdostoun Castle, I welcome everyone to our website.
I am honoured to have been chosen by the Lodge to serve as Master and I hope that your visit will be both interesting and informative.

If you have visited us before, then welcome back. If this is your first visit, and if you are interested in Freemasonry, you are doubly welcome.
Browse around our site and see what is happening today in our Lodge. If you want to search further, follow the links in our "Related Links" section. Enjoy your visit.

RWM Bro Mark I Logan

Our Mission

The mission of Lodge No 1096 and its members is to help good men become better men, thereby enabling them to better serve their God, their country, their community, their neighbour and themselves.

We hope that you will find the information that you seek in these pages. If you do not, and you have any questions, please e-mail them to the address at the foot of this page.  Enjoy your visit. If you wish to explore further, then please follow the related links to other Lodge sites. From any page, just click on the Lodge Crest and you will be returned to this Home page

Latest News

July 2024

Subday 14th: Well it's all over now. And it wont be coming home!

Congratulations to Margaret Logan, Claire Megahy and John Lithgow. You really do know your football !

Wednesday 10th: Who will win first prize? Will it be Margaret or Jeff? Who will you be rooting for?

Tuesday 9th: It's getting closer! Final on Sunday - Spain and who else?

Saturday 6th:

Friday 5th July:


Tuesday 2nd July: Ready for the Quarter Finals - Is your team still here?

June 2024

Sunday 30th June: Half way through the Round of 16 - Is your team still here?

Wednesday 26th: All of these players have a chance. Thanks to all who joined in. Hope you enjoyed it and will come again when the World Cup competition gets started in 2026.

Friday 14th: First match of the 2024 Euro Championships. Not a happy day for the Tartan Army

May 2024

Friday 17th: RWM Bro Mark Logan welcomed everyone to a Special Meeting to showcase a deputation of 16 Reigning Masters from Middle Ward of the Province of Lanarkshire. The deputation was headed by RWM Bro Kenny Bogle of Lodge Livingstone St.Andrew No.573. The degree team introduced themselves as follows :-

RWM Bro John Hunter of Lodge Whifflet St John No.963
RWM Bro John Queen of Lodge Bothwell Brig No.1229
RWM Bro Calum MacGregor of Lodge Union No.244
RWM Bro Danny Mayberry of Lodge St Thomas No.306
RWM Bro Stuart McNeil of Lodge Robert King Stewart No.919
RWM Bro John Bingham of Lodge Griffin Gartcosh No.1254
RWM Bro James Kerr of Lodge Caldercruix No.1314
RWM Bro Jack Alexander of Lodge St John No.471
RWM Bro Ian McIndoe of Lodge New Monkland Montrose No.88
RWM Bro Jonathan Oliver of Lodge Blantyre Kilwinning No.557
RWM Bro Iain Anderson of Lodge Motherwell Caledonian No.1228
RWM Bro Jonathan Murphy of Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning No.7
RWN Bro Fraser MacDonald of Lodge Kirkhill No.1230
RWM Bro George Wilson of Lodge Major Ness No.948
RWM Bro Alan Graham of Lodge Dura No.1513

Our own RWM Bro Mark Logan would also be taking part.

There being no business to discuss, control of the Lodge was given to RWM Bro Kenny Bogle who, together with the Masters Team, proceeded to deliver a unique EA degree on candidate Alan Podmore. The degree, being a combination of 17 different rituals, was delivered in a smooth and professional manner by an exemplary degree team. The silence from the assembled Brethren during the degree spoke volumes for the quality of each speaker, and for the degree as a whole.

At the completion of the degree, the newly initiated Bro Alan Podmore was congratulated on his first step in Freemasonry by RWM Bro Kenny Bogle and RWM Bro Mark Logan who called on the assembled company to give him a warm welcome into the Lodge.

RWM Bro Mark Logan, on resuming control of the Lodge, asked SPGM Bro Bobby Ferguson to comment on the degree. SPGM Bro Bobby Ferguson lavished praise on the whole Masters degree team for the high standard of their work and called on the assembled Brethren to congratulate them for a good job, well done. RWM Bro Mark Logan invited the Masters team and all present to retire to harmony, where much chat ensued accompanied by a drop or two of the water of life! A great evening, a great degree, looking forward to the next one.

2 wee photos of the Reigning Masters team 2024

The Team smiling even before they started. Photo courtesy of RWM Bro Mark Logan


The Team smiling even better now that the work is done. A fabulous photo of 17 RWMs all in the East of our Lodge. A delight to see and they did a grand job. Photo courtesy of Bro Jim Finlay PM

April 2024

Tuesday 23rd: RWM Bro Mark Logan welcomed all to the last regular meeting before recess. RWM intimated the death of Bro Daniel Farquhar PM of 1096 and affiliate of 233. The brethren observed a minute of silence. After the usual business RWM and the brethren extended a vote of thanks to Bro Colin Hamilton who had taken the lead in organising the recent Whisky Tasting Night. A most enjoyable evening and well appreciated by all who had attended.

Bro Secretary remined the brethren that it is necessary to modify our 1096 byelaws to comply with Grand Lodge Constitution and Laws edition 30. The motion lays out amendments and additions to byelaw 14 of 1096 byelaws as detailed in the meeting on Tuesday 26th March 2024. As the motion has lain on the secretary's table for the required time, Bro Secretary proposed adoption of the motion seconded by Bro Jim Finlay PM. There were no dissenting voices and the motion was passed.

Acting DoC Bro Ian Thompson introduced a large deputation from Lodge St Thomas No.306 headed by their RWM Bro Daniel Mayberry. The deputation was enhanced by brethren from lodges 31, 551 and 1254. All werwe warmly welcomed by RWM Bro Mark Logan and the assembled brethren. RWM Bro MArk Logan presented the emblem of authority to RWM Bro Daniel Mayberry and office bearers were exchanged.

The deacons introduced candidate Mr Calum Leggate to RWM Bro Daniel Mayberry who, with the assistance of Conferring Master Bro Jim McKidd and office bearers initiated him into Freemasonry in an excellent manner. At the conclusion of the degree RWM Daniel Mayberry congratulated Bro Calum Leggate, thanked him for his attentiveness and along with RWM Bro Mark Logan welcomed him as Murdostoun Castle's newest Entered Apprentice. On resuming control of the lodge, RWM Bro Mark Logan congrayulated RWM Bro Daniel Mayberry and his degree team on the high standard of the degree work. In reply RWM Bro Daniel Mayberry thanked everyone for their positiv remarks, adding that the relationship between 1096 and 306 is a long standing one and he hoped that his teams efforts would further enhance that relationship.

Honorary membership having been offered and acepted was cponferred on RWM Bro Daniel MAyberry by RWM Bro Mark Logan. RWM Bro Daniel said it was a surprise and that he felt privileged to have such an honour conferred. Thereafter all brethren retired to harmony and friendships were strengthened as we all blethered to each other. A great night was had by all.

Tuesday 9th: RWM Bro Mark Logan welcomed all to the first meeting in April. RWM intimated the sudden death of Bro John English who was in the process of affiliating to 1096. The Brethren observed a minute of silence. After the usual business, RWM Bro Mark Logan welcomed a distinguished deputation from Lodge Blantyre Kilwinning No.557 heade by RWM Bro Jonathon Oliver. RWM Bro Mark Logan presented the emblem of authority to RWM Bro Johnathon Oliver and officebearers were exchanged. The deacons introduced volunteer candidate Bro Scott Murdoch to RWM Bro Jonathon Oliver who with the assistance of Conferring Master Bro Andrew Patterson and Office bearers passed Bro Murdoch to the rank of Fellowcraft. At the conclusion of the degree Bro Murdoch was congratulated by both RWMs and thanked for volunteering. RWM Bro John Chambers of Lodge Cambuslang Royal Arch was invited to comment on the ceremonial work and did so in great style highlighting the confidence of Bro Jack Oliver for taking a large part of the degree making his dad a very proud man.

Honorary membership having been offered and accepted was conferred on RWM Bro Jonathon Oliver by RWM Bro Mark Logan. RWM Bro Oliver thanked 1096 for the honour and indicated that he hoped that this visit being the first interlodge visit, would not be the last and the relationship between 1096 and 557 would grow through the years. And judging by the number of new friendships forged at harmony, this is very likely to happen.

Wednesday 3rd: RWM Bro Mark Logan headed a large deputation into Lodge Dura No.1513. After being welcomed by RWM Bro Alan Graham and the assembled Brethren, RWM Bro Mark Logan assisted by his degree team delivered a fine rendering of the Fellowcraft degree. Resuming control of the lodge, RWM Bro Alan Graham congratulated RWM Bro Mark Logan and called on the assembled brethren to give a warm vote of thanks to the degree team. At the close of the meeting, RWM Bro Alan Graham invited all to harmony, and the link between the two Lodges was strengthened. Harmony was delightful and consumed in fine fashion by the assembled brethren. Much chat ensued as the brethren renewed old friendships and formed new ones.

March 2024

Tuesday 26th: RWM Bro Mark Logan welcomed all to the second meeting in March. A ballot was held for Mr Calum Leggate and Mr Alan Podmore and found to be clear. A few tickets are still available for the Whisky tasting night, see Bro Colin Hamilton. After the remaining business including the Notice of Motion to amend 1096 byelaws, RWM Bro Mark Logan welcomed a large deputation from Lodge Robert King Stewart No.919 headed by their own RWM Bro Stewart McNeil. After presenting the emblem of authority to RWM Bro Stewart McNeil, the officebearers were exchanged.

RWM Bro Stewart McNeil, with the assistance of Conferring Masters Bro Douglas Cook and Bro Dale Gordon and the officebearers, conferred a grand exemplification of the FC degree on volunteer candidate Bro Kenneth Thomson. At the conclusion of the degree RWM Bro Mark Logan thanked Bro Kenneth Thomson for volunteering and went on to pay tribute to the ceremonial work carried out by RWM Bro Stewart McNeil, his Conferring Masters and the degree team. All retired to harmony and many old friendships were renewed. A great night at harmony.

Thursday 21st: RWM Bro Mark Logan headed a large deputation into Lodge St Mary No.31. After being welcomed by RWM Bro Jim McKidd and the assembled Brethren, RWM Bro Mark Logan assisted by his degree team delivered a comprehensive rendering of the Master Mason degree. Resuming control of the lodge, RWM Bro Jim McKidd congratulated RWM Bro Mark Logan and called on the assembled brethren to give a warm vote of thanks to the degree team. At the close of the meeting, RWM Bro Jim McKidd invited all to harmony, and the link between the two Lodges was strengthened. Harmony was delightful and consumed in fine fashion by the assembled brethren. A pleasant evening was capped by a happy harmony and greatly enjoyed.

Tuesday 12th: RWM Bro Mark Logan welcomed all to the first meeting in March. After the usual business, RWM Bro Mark Logan welcomed a distinguished deputation from The Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire (Middle Ward) headed by Substitute Provincial Grand Master Bro Bobby Ferguson. The business of the deputation, being the Annual Report, was conducted in short order by SPGM Bro Bobby Ferguson and he congratulated IPM Bro Ian Douglas on his year in office and Bro Secretary and Treasurer for their endeavours in keeping the lodge affairs in order.

The Lodge was reduced to the EA degree and the Office bearers of the Lodge then initiated volunteer candidate Bro Craig Barrie into Freemasonry in an exemplary fashion. SPGM Bro Bobby Ferguson delegated the reporting of the degree to Bro Peter Bennie PGC who congratulated all in the degree team with particular praise for the younger members.

DoC Bro Jim Cathcart then formally presented IPM Bro Ian Douglas to RWM Bro Mark Logan who related to the assembled brethren some of the details of Bro Douglas masonic career. After the Diploma was read by Bro Secretary RWM Bro Mark Logan accompanied by SPGM Bro Bobby Ferguson formally presented Bro Douglas with his diploma of Distinguished Service Membership. Bro Ian Douglas replied in his customary manner and thanked the brethren of the lodge for the honour conferred.

As there was no further business, the meeting was closed, and all retired to harmony to talk over the events of the evening and enjoy each others company once again.

February 2024

Tuesday 27th: RWM Bro Mark Logan welcomed all to the second meeting in February. After a fair amount of customary business, DoC Bro Jim Cathcart PM introduced a large deputation from Lodge Livingston St Andrew No.573 headed by RWM Bro Kenneth Bogle. The deputation was enhanced by brethren from Lodges 203, 427 and 1314. RWM Bro Mark Logan presented the emblem of authority to RWM Bro Kenneth Bogle who, with the assistance of Conferring Master Bro David Grant PM and the officebearers conferred an grand exemplification of the FC degree on volunteer candidate Bro Ryan Douglas. At the conclusion of the degree RWM Bro Mark Logan thanked Bro Ryan Douglas for volunteering and went on to pay tribute to the ceremonial work carried out by RWM Bro Kenneth Bogle, Conferring Master Bro David Grant and the degree team. All retired to harmony and many old friendships were renewed. A great night at harmony.

Tuesday 13th: RWM Bro Mark Logan welcomed all to the first meeting in February. There was a fair amount of business and correspondence. When completed, acting DoC Bro Ian Thompson introduced a large deputation from Lodge Caldercruix St John No.1314 headed by their RWM Bro James Kerr. The deputation was enhanced by brethren from Lodges 88, 166, 195 and 203. RWM Bro Mark Logan presented the emblem of authority to RWM Bro James Kerr and officebearers were exchanged. The deacons introduced volunteer candidate Bro Andrew Jackson to RWM Bro James Kerr, who with the assistance of Conferring Master and the degree team passed him tothe rank of FC. RWM Bro Mark Logan invited IP Bro Ian Douglas to comment on the degree. IPM thanked Lodge Caldercruix for attending at short notice and paid tribute to the high standard of work of the degree team. Honorary membership was conferred on RWM Bro James Kerr who thanked 1096 for the honour and indicated that he hoped that this visit being the first interlodge visit, would not be the last and the relationship between 1096 and 1314 would grow through the years. And judging by the number of new friendships forged at harmony, this is very likely to happen.

January 2024

Tuesday 23rd: RWM Bro Mark Logan welcomed all to the second meeting of January. The customary business was conducted in brisk fashion. Thereafter DoC Bro Jim Cathcart PM introduced a deputation from Lodge Motherwell Caledonian No.1228 headed by their RWM Bro Iain Anderson. After presenting the emblem of authority to RWM Bro Iain Anderson, the officebearers were exchanged. With the assistance of the degree team RWM Bro Iain Anderson carried out an excellent exemplification of the EA degree on volunteer candidate Bro Iain Logan. At the conclusion of the degree, RWM Bro Mark Logan thanked his dad Bro Iain Logan for volunteering and praised RWM Bro Iain Anderson and his degree team for a magnificent rendering of the EA degree. All present then retired to harmony and a blether or two (or three!).

Monday 15th: RWM Bro Mark Logan headed a small (but beautifully formed!) deputation into Lodge Woodhall St Johns No 305. After being welcomed by RWM Bro Jim McKidd and the assembled Brethren, RWM Bro Mark Logan assisted by his degree team delivered a fine rendering of the Entered Apprentice degree. Resuming control of the lodge, RWM Bro Jim McKidd congratulated RWM Bro Mark Logan and called on the assembled brethren to give a warm vote of thanks to the degree team. At the close of the meeting, RWM Bro Jim McKidd invited all to harmony, and the link between the two Lodges was strengthened. Harmony was delightful and consumed in fine fashion by the assembled brethren. Much chat ensued as the brethren renewed old friendships and formed new ones.

Tuesday 9th: RWM Bro Mark Logan welcomed all to the first meeting of the new year. After the usual business a deputation from Lodge St Mary No.31 headed by RWM Bro Jim McKidd was warmly welcomed. RWM Bro Mark Logan presented the emblem of authority to RWM Bro Jim McKidd and officebearers were exchanged. The Deacons introduced volunteer candidate Bro Kenneth Thompson to RWM Bro Jim McKidd who, with the assistance of his officebearers carried out an excellent rendering of the Fellowcaraft degree. At the conclusion of RWM Bro Mark Logan paid tribute to the high standard of the degree work and invited the deputation and all brethren to partake of lodge harmony. A very pleasant evening ensued.

December 2023:

Tuesday 12th: RWM Bro Mark I Logan welcomed the ever faithful few to his first meeting and the last of 2023. Being a business only meeting, the necessary business was conducted in brisk fashion. At the close of the meeting RWM Bro Mark Logan wished all present a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year. The brethren retired to have a pie and a blether.

Saturday 2nd:The Annual Installation of our new RWM and Officebearers took place at 5:30pm. IPM Bro Ian Thompson welcomed the many visitors and thanked them for coming to the Installation despite the weather. A deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire (Middle Ward) headed by Substitute Provincial Grand Master Bro Gordon Mather was then received and welcomed, followed by the Installing Masters of the evening Bro Scott McKittrick PM and Bro Ian Douglas PM. As this was the first full installation of a first time Master for several years, the Installing Masters delivered an excellent and comprehensive Installation Ceremony which was warmly received by the new RWM Bro Mark I Logan, his Officebearers and all Brethren present.

Afterwards, all retired to an excellent dinner and spent a very pleasant evening listening to some well prepared speeches and having a right good blether with one another. As our new RWM, Bro Mark Logan hopes that the rest of his year will be as successful as the Installation, and he sends an early Christmas Greeting to all of our readers.

The New RWM and his team

Photo courtesy of Bro Iain Anderson PM Lodge Motherwell Caledonian No.1228

November 2023:

Tuesday 28th: RWM Bro Ian Douglas welcomed all to the second regular meeting of November. After the usual business, RWM Bro Ian Douglas welcomed a fine deputation from Lodge Union, Stonehouse No.244 headed by RWM Bro John Thomson. RWM Bro John Thomson with the assistance of his Office bearers and Past Masters, delivered a full and comprehensive Mark Master Mason degree to candidate Bro Andrew Jackson, which was much appreciated by all present. At the conclusion of the degree, RWM Bro John Thomson congratulated Bro Jackson and presented him to RWM Bro Ian Douglas and the assembled brethren. Resuming control of the Lodge, RWM Bro Ian Douglas congratulated RWM Bro John Thomson and his degree team on the high quality of the degree. At the close of the meeting, all retired to harmony for bite to eat and many blethers.

Tuesday 14th: RWM Bro Ian Douglas welcomed all to the Annual Meeting attended by the ever faithful few. The business of the evening was conducted quickly and competently. The Report on Lodge Finances by Treasurer Bro Colin Hamilton was accepted. After a brief recess, the nomination and election of Office Bearers for the coming twelve months took place, with all offices filled. The Office Bearers Elect are:- RWM Bro Mark Logan, WSW Bro Tom Gilfillan PM, WJW Bro Scott McKittrick PM, Secretary Bro Iain Logan, Treasurer Bro Duncan McBride, Almoner Bro Ian Thompson PM, SD Bro Colin Hamilton, JD Bro Craig Barrie, IG Bro Kenneth Thompson, Chaplain Bro Jim Finlay PM, DoC Bro Jim Cathcart PM, President of Stewards Bro Scott Murdoch, Junior Steward Bro Jack Gilfillan, Bible Bearer Bro Andrew Jackson, Organist Bro Frank McBride, Tyler Bro Bert Alcorn PM. At the conclusion of the meeting, RWM congratulated all of the newly elected Office bearers and wished them well in the year ahead, after which all retired for a wee pie and beans, and a blether about the coming year.

November 2022:

Tuesday 8th: RWM Bro Ian Douglas welcomed all to the Annual Meeting. The customary business was conducted in brisk fashion but following the Report on Lodge Finances by Treasurer Bro Ian Douglas PM, the Statement of Accounts was rejected. RWM to investigate and produce revised accounts for the next meeting. The nomination and election of Office Bearers for the coming twelve months took place, with only one vacant office. At the conclusion of the meeting, RWM congratulated all of the newly elected Office bearers and wished them well in the year ahead. The Office Bearers Elect are:- RWM Bro Ian Douglas PM, WSW Bro Ryan Douglas, WJW Bro Mark Logan, Secretary Bro Iain Logan, Treasurer Bro Colin Hamilton, Almoner Bro Ian Thompson PM, SD Bro Tom Gilfillan PM, JD Bro Craig Barrie, IG Bro Duncan McBride, Chaplain Bro Iain Logan, DoC Bro Scott McKittrick PM, President of Stewards Bro Kenny Thompson, Junior Steward Bro Scott Murdoch, Bible Bearer Bro Derek Davidson, Tyler Bro Bert Alcorn PM. Organist post is vacant at present.

October 2022:

Tuesday 25th: RWM Bro Ian Douglas welcomed all to the second meeting of October noting that it is a business meeting once more as no visitation is scheduled. As ever, the customary business was conducted in short order and the brethren retired to harmony for a hot pie and another wee blether.

Monday 15th: RWM Bro Ian Douglas headed a small (but beautifully formed!) deputation into Lodge Woodhall St Johns No 305. After being welcomed by RWM Bro Gordon Airns and the assembled Brethren, RWM Bro Ian Douglas assisted by his degree team delivered a fine exemplification of the Fellowcraft degree. Resuming control of the lodge, RWM Bro Gordon Airns congratulated RWM Bro Ian Douglas and called on the assembled brethren to give a warm vote of thanks to the degree team. At the close of the meeting, RWM Bro Gordon Airns invited all to harmony, and the link between the two Lodges was strengthened. Harmony was delightful and consumed in fine fashion by the assembled brethren. Much chat ensued as the brethren renewed old friendships and formed new ones.

Tuesday 11th: RWM Bro Ian Douglas welcomed all to the first meeting of October as a business meeting as no visitations are scheduled. The customary business was concluded promptly and the brethren retired to harmony for a wee blether.

September 2022:

Tuesday 27th: RWM Bro Ian Douglas welcomed all to the second meeting of September. The meeting started at 7:00pm as it was the first regular meeting after the recess and there was a considerable amount of business to be conducted before our visitors arrived.

Obituary: Bro Secretary intimated the passing to the Grand Lodge of High of Bro George Warren PM Lodge Woodhall St Johns No.305 Honorary Member of 1096 and a frequent visitor.

He also intimated that we have also lost two delightful ladies whom it has been our great privilege to know –  Mrs Jean Gray & Mrs Elizabeth Cathcart, and felt that we should just take a moment or two to offer a quiet prayer for them and think how much their passing has hurt our Bro Robert Gray and Bro Jim Cathcart.
We should also record with heavy hearts the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. A very special lady who is beloved and respected by so many people in all walks of life. There is great sadness at the passing of a most gracious lady known quite simply to everyone all around the world as "The Queen".

For all those we have lost, the brethren observed a minute of silence.

Bro Secretary then read six (6!) sets of accumulated minutes to the brethren, most of whom managed to stay awake, although it must be noted that an occasional quiet snore was heard by Bro Secretary. Rousing the recumbent brethren Bro Secretary then ploughed manfully through the accumulated correspondence and the rest of the lodge business managing to get it all completed on schedule.

Acting DoC Bro Ian Thompson retired and introduced a large and excellent deputation from Lodge Union, Stonehouse No.244 headed by their own RWM Bro Michael Mathew.

RWM Bro Michael Mathew with RWMark Master Bro Hugh Smith and the Mark Degree team delivered an excellent, comprehensive Mark degree on Bro Kenny Thompson who was warmly congratulated by all. At the end of the meeting, all retired to Berts world famous (lanarkshire) soup & pie, and the links joining the lodges were strengthened.

Tuesday 23rd: The lodge hosted a Whisky Tasting Night and, no surprise, it was an outstanding success. Those who were unable to attend missed a great night. Bro Mark and Bro Colin are to be congratulated on organising this venture. From the appreciative sounds from the attendees, I suspect that it will be repeated next year.

Tuesday 20th: RWM Bro Ian Douglas welcomed all to a special meeting after the period of National Mourning has ended. There being no business, he welcomed a deputation from Lodge Woodhall St Johns No.305 headed by their own RWM Bro Gordon Airns. The degree team conducted an excellent Second degree for Bro Jack Gilfillan at the end of which RWM Bro Gordon Airns and our own RWM Bro Ian Douglas congratulated Bro Gilfillan on taking the second step in his Masonic Career and presented him to the assembled brethren. RWM Bro Ian Douglas paid tribute to the quality of the degree and each lecturer. At the close of the meeting all retired to harmony to enjoy Bro Berts world-renowned (OK Middle Ward) soup and renewed friendships not having met since covid wrecked our world.

Tuesday 13th: The regular meeting of the lodge is cancelled during the period of National Mourning.

Thursday 8th: The brethren of the lodge record with heavy hearts the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. A very special lady who is beloved and respected by so many people in all walks of life. There is great sadness at the passing of a most gracious lady known quite simply to everyone all around the world as "The Queen".

The Queen


May 2022:

Friday 6th: RWM Bro Ian Douglas welcomed everyone to a Special Meeting to showcase a deputation of 12 Reigning Masters from both Middle and Upper wards of the Province of Lanarkshire. The deputation was headed by RWM Bro Jack Alexander of Lodge St John, Shotts No.471 who introduced each member of the degree team as follows :-

RWM Bro Scott Pollock of Lodge St Mary No.31,
RWM Bro William Cairns of Lodge Cadder Argyll No.147
RWM Bro Gordon Airns of Lodge Woodhall St Johns No.305
RWM Bro Jim Kidd of Lodge St Thomas No.306
RWM Bro Gordon McAlpine of Lodge Livingstone St Andrew No.573
RWM Bro Gary Muircroft of Lodge Robert King Stewart No.919
RWM Bro William McPheat of Lodge Whifflet St John No.963
RWM Bro Robert Price of Lodge Motherwell Caledonian No.1228
RWM Bro Alan Graham of Lodge Dura No.1513
RWM Bro James Moffat of Lodge Mauldslie Castle No 1630
He also noted that our own RWM would be taking part, and lastly introduced himself.

There being no business to discuss, control of the Lodge was given to RWM Bro Jack Alexander who, together with the Masters Team, proceeded to deliver a unique EA degree on two candidates Jack Gilfillan and Ross Thomson. The degree, being a combination of 12 different rituals, was delivered in a smooth and professional manner by an exemplary degree team. The silence from the assembled Brethren during the degree spoke volumes for the quality of each speaker, and for the degree as a whole.

At the completion of the degree, the newly initiated Bro Gilfillan and Bro Thomson were presented to RWM Bro Jack Alexander who, along with RWM Bro Ian Douglas, congratulated them on their first step in Freemasonry and called on the assembled company to give them a warm welcome into the Lodge.

RWM Bro Ian Douglas, on resuming control of the Lodge, praised RWM Bro Jack Alexander and the entire Masters degree team for the high standard of their work and called on the assembled Brethren to congratulate them for a good job, well done. RWM Bro Ian Douglas then invited the Masters team and all present to retire to harmony, where much chat ensued accompanied by a drop or two of the water of life! A great evening, a great degree, looking forward to the next one.

A wee photo of the Reigning Masters team 2022

From Left to right:- RWM Gary Muircroft 919, RWM James Kidd 306, RWM Jack Alexander 471, RWM Scott Pollock 31, RWM Robert Price 1228, RWM James Moffat 1630, RWM Ian Douglas 1096, RWM Alan Graham 1513, RWM Gordon McAlpine 573, RWM Gordon Airns 305, William Cairns 146, William McPheat 963.

Photo courtesy of Bro Jim Finlay PM

April 2022:

Tuesday 26th: RWM Bro Ian Douglas welcomed all to the last regular meeting before recess. After the customary business RWM Bro Ian Douglas welcomed an excellent deputation from Lodge Cadder Argyll No.147 headed by their RWM Bro William Cairns. Thereafter, RWM Bro William Cairns with the assistance of Mark Master Bro Stewart McLean PM, the lodge Office bearers and Past Masters, delivered a full and comprehensive Mark Master Mason degree to candidate Bro Derek Davidson, which was much appreciated by all present. At the conclusion of the degree, RWM Bro William Cairns congratulated Bro Davidson and presented him to RWM Bro Ian Douglas and the assembled brethren. Resuming control of the Lodge, RWM Bro Ian Douglas congratulated RWM Bro William Cairns and his degree team on the quality of the degree. At the close of the meeting, all retired to harmony for a bite to eat and many blethers.

Saturday 16th: Today the Lodge welcomed back the members of Cleland Community Council for the Easter Egg hunt for the children of our village. The last Easter egg hunt was in 2019 as the next two hunts were cancelled because of covid. But this time all is well once again and lots of wee happy faces came to take part in the hunt. After tearing around the park collecting clues, they came back successful and enjoyed getting a wee easter egg from the Easter Bunny. After that they took part in the various arts & crafts which had been set up making all sorts of hats, egg baskets, bunny ears and doing lots of colouring-in. Thanks to Councillor Louise Roarty and the Community council volunteers who made this such a successful day once again. The weather was kind, there were lots of supportive mums and dads, and the kids had a great time. Fingers crossed for the same weather next year. Lets make this an annual event for tomorrows citizens.

Some photos from the day...

And a great time was had by all. Looking forward to next year.

Tuesday 12th: RWM Bro Ian Douglas welcomed all to the first regular meeting of April. After the usual business, there was lots of discussion on the feedback from the planning sub-committee. An interesting time lies ahead for our premises. We have two members involved in the Kiltwalk for CHAS both hoping to raise a substantial amount of money for charity. Best of luck lads, it's a l-o-n-g walk from Glasgow Green to Balloch.

March 2022:

Tuesday 22nd: RWM Bro Ian Douglas welcomed all to the second meeting in March. Again, not a lot to report on a quiet evening. The customary business did not take long, leading to an early finish of the meeting. The faithful few then made short work of Bert's soup and pies and had a blether.

Monday 21st: Lodge Motherwell Caledonian No.1228 completed their move away from Motherwell and held their first meeting in their new home in Cleland. Welcomed by 1096 as our lodge's newest tenants.

Tuesday 8th: RWM Bro Ian Douglas welcomed all to the first regular meeting of March. After the usual business, RWM Bro Ian Douglas welcomed a distinguished deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire (Middle Ward) headed by SPGM Bro Colin T Campbell. The business of Provincial Grand Lodge was conducted in their customary manner, and closed by SPGM Bro Colin T Campbell commenting favourably on the extended time in office of Bro Ian Thompson IPM and thanked him along with Bro Treasurer and Bro Secretary for their management of the lodge in the past year. Thereafter the younger Lodge office Bearers conferred a grand First degree on volunteer candidate Bro Craig Barrie, and the attention paid by all present throughout the degree bore testimony to the quality of the degree team. SPGM Bro Colin T Campbell delegated Bro Robert McCormick to comment on the degree. Bro McCromick paid tribute to the high standard of ceremonial work as carried out by the young office bearers especially remarking on the fact that no Past Masters were involved.

Secretary Bro Jim Finlay was then presented with a token of appreciation from the lodge for his work undertaken whilst the lodge was in shutdown. Bro Finlay replied that he was delighted with the gift and suitably shocked at the idea that something had been planned in the lodge and he knew nothing about it.

Bro Ian Thompson was then presented to the lodge and Secretary Bro Finlay then told, as he put it, a “wee story” about the custom of the lodge in marking the year as Master of every brother who graced the chair of our lodge. He highlighted the number of times Bro Thompson had been Master and the extended time he spent as acting RWM. He then returned Bro Thompson’s Past Master jewel, now refurbished and gold plated, to its rightful place adorning Bro Thompson’s breast. Bro Ian Thompson IPM suitably replied as he also knew nothing about his presentation.

At the close of the meeting, all retired to harmony for a bite to eat and a blether as the brethren enjoyed each others company once again.

February 2022:

Tuesday 22nd: RWM Bro Ian Douglas welcomed all to the second meeting in February. Once again, not a lot to report on a quiet evening. After the customary business, the younger office bearers of the lodge conducted an exemplification of the first degree on volunteer candidate Colin Hamilton. Practice makes perfect, and the amount of work undertaken in studying for the various parts of the degree showed. Looking forward to next meeting when the same office bearers will conduct the same degree for Provincial Grand Lodge.

Tuesday 8th: RWM Bro Ian Douglas welcomed all to the first meeting in February. Once again, the always steadfast few came to the business meeting. Not a lot to report on a quiet evening. Much discussion centred around the feedback from the Rangers Founders Roadshow and how well the event had gone.

Friday 4th: RWM Bro Ian Douglas welcomed all to the first social event since 2019. Covid has a lot to answer for! The event was a Rangers Founders roadshow which the lodge hosted to gather funds to support our chosen charities. The evening was a great success raising over £3,000. Prior to the Friday evening, an online auction had been held on the lodge Facebook page with Framed Rangers tops, hospitality event at Ibrox, other items of Rangers memorabilia, Golf outings to Gleneagles and The Carrick and supporting donations from several businesses in our village. The highest bids for each item became the reserve price for each item in the live auction held after the roadshow. The winners of each auction lot can be found on the lodge facebook Page "Lodge Murdostoun Castle". All the donations were thankfully received and as can be seen from the funds raised, they were indeed faithfully applied. Many thanks to Iain McColl from the Rangers Founders team for a great show, well appreciated by all present.

January 2022:

Tuesday 25th: RWM Bro Ian Douglas welcomed all to the first meeting since 14th December. The always steadfast few came to the meeting even though it was a business meeting.

After the usual business, the meeting focussed on the arrangements for the Roadshow on Friday 4th February. After much discussion, all seems to be ready to go on the night. All tickets taken and the roadshow is a sell out.

The various items for the Auction which will be held at the end of the evening of the show, are available to view on the lodge Facebook page. "Lodge Murdostoun Castle". Online bids may be placed until 6pm on the 4th when the online auction will close. Whatever online bids are made will become the reserve price for each auction lot. If no higher bid happens on the night, then the online bidder will be successful. The higher the auction bids go, the better as all proceeds from the auction will go to Charity.

Thursday 20th: Following the partial relaxation of Scottish Government guidelines, the decision was taken to resume meetings from Tuesday 25th January.

Thursday 6th: Dispensation granted to cancel both January meetings.

December 2021:

Tuesday 14th: The last regular meeting of 2021 was reasonably well attended despite being a business only meeting. As Installing Master Bro Jim Finlay installed two of the office bearers who had been unable to attend the Installation. Any other business consisted mostly of debating the next steps in planning for refurbishment of both toilets, what needs to be done whilst we wait for the next pronouncements from the Scottish Government on covid guidelines, and enhancing the Grand Almoners charity appeal to £300. RWM wished all Brethren a Merry Christmas with his best wishes for the coming year.

Saturday 4th:The Annual Installation of our new RWM and Officebearers took place at 5:30pm. RWM Bro Ian Thompson welcomed the many visitors and thanked them for coming to the Installation. A deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire (Middle Ward) headed by Depute Provincial Grand Master Bro Norman Carnegy was then received and welcomed, followed by the Installing Masters of the evening Bro John Calderwood PM Lodge Motherwell Caledonian No.1228 and Bro Jim Finlay PM Secretary. The Installing Masters delivered an excellent Installation Ceremony which was warmly received by the new (recycled!) RWM Bro Ian Douglas, his Officebearers and all Brethren present.

Afterwards, all retired to an excellent dinner and spent a very pleasant evening listening to some well prepared speeches and having a right good blether with one another. This being the 3rd time Ian has graced the chair of our Lodge, the high esteem in which we all hold him is abundantly clear to everyone. As our new RWM, Bro Ian Douglas hopes that the rest of his year will be as successful as the Installation, and he sends an early Christmas Greeting to all of our readers.

A wee photo just as we were getting ready to start.


November 2021:

Tuesday 23rd: RWM Bro Ian Thompson welcomed all to the last regular meeting of his term as acting RWM. A fairly quiet business meeting largely concerned with changes to the installation format to accommodate current Government regulations. After the customary business RWM Bro Ian Thompson gave a summary of his feelings over the last two years and his sadness at the untimely death of RWM Bro William Napier after only 15 days in office. He wished the newly elected Master and Office bearers all success in the future and closed by thanking the lodge for putting up with him once again.

Tuesday 9th: RWM Bro Ian Thompson welcomed all to the Annual Meeting. The customary business was conducted in brisk fashion and following the Report on Lodge Finances by Acting Treasurer Bro Jim Finlay PM, the Statement of Accounts was passed. The nomination and election of Office Bearers for the coming twelve months took place, happily with no vacant offices. At the conclusion of the meeting, RWM congratulated all of the newly elected Office bearers and wished them well in the year ahead. The Office Bearers Elect are:- RWM Bro Ian Douglas PM, WSW Bro Willie Jackson PM, WJW Bro Ryan Douglas, Secretary Bro Jim Finlay PM, Treasurer Bro Ian Douglas PM, Almoner Bro Jim Finlay PM, SD Bro Mark Logan, JD Bro Tom Gilfillan PM, IG Bro Duncan McBride, Chaplain Bro Iain Logan, DoC Bro Scott McKittrick PM, President of Stewards Bro Colin Hamilton, Stewards Bro Craig Barrie and Bro Kenny Thompson, Bible Bearer Bro Derek Davidson, Organist Bro Frank McBride, Tyler Bro Bert Alcorn PM.

Wednesday 3rd: RWM Bro Ian Thompson accompanied by 13 other Brethren, headed a deputation into Lodge Dura No.1513. Twas a cold and dreich evening, but the welcome was warm, and after being welcomed by RWM Bro Alan Graham and the assembled Brethren, RWM Bro Ian Thompson assisted by his degree team of Bro Ian Douglas PM, Bro Willie Jackson PM, Bro Tom Gilfillan PM, Bro Ryan Douglas, Bro Mark Logan and Bro Jim Finlay PM, delivered a full and comprehensive MM degree on Bro James. At the conclusion of the degree, RWM Bro Ian Thompson congratulated the candidate and presented him to RWM Bro Alan Graham and the assembled brethren. Resuming control of the lodge, RWM Bro Alan Graham congratulated RWM Bro Ian Thompson and called on the assembled brethren to give a warm vote of thanks to the degree team. At the close of the meeting, RWM Bro Alan Graham invited all to partake of 1513 harmony, and the Brethren had a fine evening in each others company. Much chat ensued as the brethren renewed old friendships and formed new ones.

October 2021:

Friday 28th: RWM Bro Ian Thompson welcomed all to the second meeting of October. After the usual business, RWM Bro Ian Thompson and the degree team raised Bro Kenny Thompson to the rank of Master Mason with a full and comprehensive degree. At the conclusion of the degree, RWM Bro Ian Thompson congratulated Bro Kenny Thompson on this great step in his Masonic career, informed him of his new privileges and introduced him to the assembled brethren. He warmly congratulated the degree team highlighting once again the newest and youngest members of the team Bro Ryan Douglas and Bro Mark Logan for having learned so much for two different degrees in such a short time since the lodge resumed after shutdown. Afterwards all retired to harmony, a wee bowl of Bro Berts renowned soup and, as always, a blether.

Tuesday 12th: RWM Bro Ian Thompson welcomed all to the first meeting of October. After the usual business, RWM Bro Ian Thompson affiliated Bro Craig Barrie and Bro Colin Hamilton. After the short ceremony he congratulated them and welcomed them as the newest members of the lodge. Both Bro Hamilton and Bro Barrie replied in an amusing manner to the pleasure of all present.

The office bearers of the lodge then passed Bro Kenny Thompson to the rank of FC in a fine manner. At the conclusion of the degree, RWM Bro Ian Thompson congratulated Bro Kenny Thompson and introduced him to the assembled brethren. He warmly congratulated the degree team highlighting the newest and youngest members of the team Bro Ryan Douglas and Bro Mark Logan. Afterwards all retired to harmony and a blether.

September 2021:

Friday 28th: A rare event today - the lodge celebrated 50 years in our current premises. A great many of our members were not even born when the Masonic Hall in Thistle Street opened its doors for our first regular meeting there in September 1971. With coronavirus constraints still with us, the celebration was somewhat subdued.

Charity being a cornerstone of our craft, our delayed 2020 donations were discussed and unanimously implemented with all supported charities receiving increased funds.

The office bearers of the lodge then conducted an exemplification of the EA degree for the benefit of our newest member who had only joined the lodge a mere 6 days before the coronavirus pandemic caused us to close our doors for 18 months.

Tuesday 14th: With great pleasure the Brethren of the lodge met together for the first time in 18 months for a business meeting. Prior to the Lodge opening, Bro Secretary reminded all present of the Attendance Guidelines which were a combination of Grand Lodge & Scottish Government guidelines and the lodges own house rules.

RWM Bro Ian Thompson welcomed all visitors which included Depute Provincial Grand Master Bro Norman Carnegy. DPGM brought fraternal greetings from our new Provincial Grand Master Bro Andrew D Millar and in explaining the reason for his own visit, he intimated that PGM Bro Andrew Millar whilst expressing his delight at the re-opening of our lodge, urged caution as we do so, and that we should maintain the health and safety of us all by adjusting to our new “normal” way of life in small steps.

The remainder of the meeting was taken up with a great deal of correspondence, minutes and accounts all of which had been dealt with over the prior 18 months. Most of the brethren present did stay awake!

The Statements of accounts were presented by Bro Treasurer and after the information contained therein was digested, the accounts for year ending 2020 were approved.

August 2021

After several meetings of the Heads of all Scottish Masonic Orders, clearance has been given to plan & prepare for Lodges to resume working.

Watch this space for a September announcement!

April 2021

Friday 23rd: this evening four of our young Masons were delighted to present a Lodge cheque for £5,000 to the McKenna family to help in their efforts to have their home adapted for their eldest son Jack.

These are the players of the evening :- Jack, his dad Ross, and (l-r) Kenny, Derek, Mark and Ryan.

And we could not have a photo without wee brother Harry.

Jack was born 7 weeks premature almost 5 years ago. He suffered a brain bleed, had fluid in his brain leaving him with cerebral palsy and epilepsy. He has already undergone two brain surgeries, takes daily medication, is fed through a tube and lives in a wheelchair.

He is also the happiest, smiling little boy that you could imagine. And he loves a cuddle.


The family has a fundraiser running at https://www.treeofhope.org.uk/jack-mckenna

Donations will be thankfully received and faithfully applied! Remember the North East corner.

Please go and visit the fundraiser page. On that page Jacks dad explains all about Jacks condition and what is needed to provide lifetime support for Jack. Hopefully we have helped a little.

If anyone can help with a bit of fundraising there's some info below as well as the above link to Jack's main page. Could be a sponsored walk, personal challenge, step target per day....anything at all with your own page.

One of the many handy features that is offered on the Tree of Hope page is the ‘fundraise for this child’ option on the left-hand side of the fundraising page, which allows supporters to set up their own fundraiser for Jack. By clicking on this button, it will take you to Just Giving to create your own page, which will automatically connect to Jacks campaign fund, and the amount raised will automatically be included in the ‘Total raised so far’ figure.

Supporters who use this feature also benefit from the opportunity to claim gift aid - an additional 25% on donations made by UK tax-payers, which is something they would be unable to do, if the fundraiser was created directly through usual crowdfunding on Just Giving."

A week ago I threw down a gauntlet and challenged our younger members to do something. The photos show you the result.

Now it is your turn.

I have thrown the gauntlet down. Who will pick it up?

- A wee smile from Jack

- to cheer you on your way

- to wherever your destiny takes you.




The lodge had closed down in March of 2020 to protect our community and the lodge members. News items for prior months and years can now be found in the section titled (believe it or not) "Previous News Items".

image of lodge penny

Lodge Pennies can be obtained from Bro Treasurer at any meeting for the princely sum of £3:00.

If requesting by email, additional cost of £1.70 for Post and Packing and delivery by Royal Mail 1st class.


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