Lodge Murdostoun Castle No.1096

Charter granted 2nd November 1911

REGULAR MEETINGS - 2nd & 4th Tuesday from September to April, Except December 2nd Tues only

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Calendar of Meetings

And other Social Events during the next year

Keep checking regularly for any meeting changes, and any new outgoing visitations as we are invited.

Highlighted visitations are confirmed.

Unless otherwise stated, all meetings commence at 7:30pm
Date Time Event
Lodge is in recess
September 10   Regular meeting - Visit by Lodge St John, Shotts No.471 (tbc) FC degree one candidate.
  19   Visit to Lodge Livingstone St Andrew No.573 to confer Master Mason degree on one candidate - candidate availability to be confirmed
  24   Regular meeting - visit by Lodge New Monkland Montrose No.88 - FC degree one candidate
October 8   Regular meeting - visit by Lodge Cambuslang Royal Arch No.114 - MM degree one candidate
  15   Visit to Lodge Clydesdale No.551 Exemplification EA degree

Note change of the date of the Annual Meeting. Changed from November to the second meeting in October for this year and all future years.

  22   Annual Meeting and Election of Officebearers
All Brethren are requested to attend
November 12   Regular meeting - visit by Lodge Robert Burns No.440 - MM degree one candidate
  26   Regular meeting - Visit by Lodge Union, Stonehouse No.244 - Mark degree 2 candidates
December 7   Installation of RWM Elect and Officebearers
  10   Regular meeting - tba
January 14   Regular meeting - tba
  28   Regular meeting - tba
February 11   Regular meeting - tba
  25   Regular meeting - tba
March 11   Regular meeting - Provincial Grand Lodge visitation
  25   Regular meeting - tba
April 8   Regular meeting - tba
  22   Regular meeting - tba
May 9/16   Reigning Masters degree
Lodge is in recess
September 9   Regular meeting - tba
  23   Regular meeting - tba
October 14   Regular meeting - tba
  28   Annual Meeting and Election of Officebearers
All Brethren are requested to attend
November 11   Regular meeting - tba
  25   Regular meeting - tba
December 6   Installation of RWM Elect and Officebearers


9   Regular meeting - tba





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